Tips for Winning Don't buy more stock in a company than necessary to retain a majority lead. Thirteen shares of stock in a company guarantees a majority. If low on cash, create the least expensive companies possible. You can purchase more shares for the same amount of cash, thus increasing the probability of a majority or minority holder's bonus. Have a diversified portfolio of stock. Don't put all your faith in one company. More money is made through mergers than anywhere else. Merging a company in which you have majority is more profitable than making it unmergable at the beginning of the game. Create as many companies as possible. You always receive a free share of stock (unless all 25 shares are held by other players). One share of stock can often lead to a majority or minority holder's bonus. Often retaining stock in a dead company is better than trading it for stock in the controlling company. Remember, in the two player game the Department of Energy also is involved in any mergers. A greater number of shares are required in the two player game than the others to receive a majority or minority.